Sunday, May 29, 2011

Raise a Reader This Summer

This is a wonderful website from PBS Kids that will give you a wealth of activities to enjoy with your children this summer.   Check it out!
There is a place to enter your email to receive information about a 6 week reading challenge which includes:
  • A daily email with fun activities to build reading skills
  • Tricks and advice from your Challenge coach
  • Great book suggestions for kids of all ages
  • Tips from other parents taking the challenge
  • A chance to win daily prizes

PBS KIDS Raising Readers is a national effort that uses the power of public media to help children ages 2 to 8 improve their literacy skills. Find out how PBS KIDS Raising Readers is closing the literacy achievement gap.

Click this link:
PBS Kids Raise a Reader Site

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ways to Keep Their Brains Active in the Summer

Believe it or not, kids are often a little sad about school being out for the summer.  They miss their friends and they miss being busy.  Try making some safe and non toxic modeling clay for them to use at home.  Then talk about how it looks, feels and tastes.  (It's not for eating, however.)  Compare the homemade stuff with the bought kind. Give them a journal and ask them to write a "how to".  Have them describe and draw their clay creations.  Write a fictional story about it.   The activity keeps their brain active and their bodies engaged.  This recipe requires parent supervision in making it, but there are some that do not need to be cooked.  Find them online.  Have fun!

Cool Aid Scented Play Dough